Residential Supportive Services
We provide supports in homes and apartments in Pawtucket, Lincoln, Cumberland, East Providence, and Central Falls areas. Our goal is to assist individuals to find a living environment where they will receive the supports needed to have a safe, healthy, active and fulfilled life. Individuals are supported so they can be as independent as possible and enjoy family, friends, hobbies, or whatever interests they may have. The number of support hours offered is based on an individual service plan and varies greatly from person to person.
Group Homes
Our group homes provide 24-hour supports in a home setting of three to five individuals. Staff assists with adult daily living skills, household chores, budgeting money, medical appointments and social and recreational activities. Group living arrangements offer the best opportunity to receive maximum support and resources.
Semi-Independent Living
Our agency supports many individuals in their own apartments, either on their own or with a roommate. A wide variety of services are provided including training on budgeting, paying bills, shopping, medical appointments, cooking, home maintenance and transportation issues as well as other needs as necessary.
Family Supports
We offer individual supports after work and on weekends. We provide after hours recreation activities and serve as a resource for supports in the community.